Monday, June 2, 2014

30 Years

 30 years ago today it was pouring down rain on what was the most important day of my life. Although I didn’t realize just  how important it would end up being, I knew while in the moment, it was a big day! You see I was about to marry the most beautiful girl God had ever put on this earth. Everything had to be perfect so how could it rain on our special day!?!?!  Well rain it did and on went the wedding anyway. I will never forget looking into her eyes as we stood there in front of a church full of our loved ones.  How was it possible that someone so beautiful was marrying me?!  It didn’t seem real yet there it was happening and I was scared to death and as happy as I could be all at the same time!

I can’t believe that was 30 years ago today, I can still remember standing in the church looking out at the rain wishing it would stop!  Boy the lessons we have learned since that day and how we have grown to love the rain!

I am sure when Lisa agreed to marry me she had no Idea the journey we would travel over the next 30 years!  I want to share just a few highlights.

Since we were married we have: (in no particular order) 

Bought our first home. A one room shack, No running water, on a lake with an old telephone booth for an outhouse. Oh ya no door on the outhouse! Baths? In the lake!  Stayed till first of November! Yes October baths were quick! (This should have been her first clue to RUN AWAY QUICKLY)

She gave me 2 terrific boys 

We moved 14 times.

Bought 7 Homes 

Lived in 7 rentals

Bought 19 vehicles 

Lived in 3 states (Maine to Alabama, Alabama to Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania back to Maine, Maine back to Alabama)

I have had 18 different jobs 

Lisa has had 13 different jobs

4 Dogs

4 cats

1 ferret (don’t ask!) 

Millions of smiles and laughs

A few tears along the way. (Mostly my fault)

So you see 30 years ago today I married the most beautiful girl in the world! Since than life has been a wonderful journey thanks to her love and understanding, and patience did I mention patience!   I can’t wait to see what the next 30 years will bring!  I love you Lisa !