Friday, September 16, 2022


We all have our way of resetting. 

Our unique way of pushing our internal reset button to start anew. 

You know what I mean, that safety mechanism that ensures our life doesn’t overwhelm us and takes our focus off what’s important in life. 

It’s both an emotional and a physical reset and for many of us it’s an important part of our year.

Some take a vacation to the beach. With toes in the sand and the waves slapping the shore, they allow the ocean to wash away their stress and recharge them for what future challenges may await.

Others visit large resorts and places like Disneyland. They like to enjoy nonstop fun and entertainment with a crowd of folks having the same experience.

Still others rent a camp on a lake and enjoy the relaxing and quiet experience that nature will share with you if you slow down long enough to enjoy.

Regardless of the style we choose, we all have our method we use to reset. If you don’t, GET ONE!

Years ago, I would have scoffed at the idea that I needed time to reset, I was in complete control, and I didn’t NEED to do anything. Running wide open, life was to be lived, “you can rest when you are dead.” I would say.

One of the benefits of age is wisdom, you eventually learn more about yourself as time goes on. 

You accept the good and the bad and just maybe, you try to limit the bad a little for the sake of others.

If you have followed my ramblings, you know that several years ago, I took a solo trip up north to spend a few days, Lisa was working and couldn’t get away. 

For the first time since we were married, I packed up my tent and all my camping gear and headed north.

At first, I felt a level of disappointment, even guilt, that I was heading to my favorite spot on the planet and Lisa wasn’t coming with me.

That was a fantastic trip! 

A trip that taught me something about myself that I either didn’t know or never took the time to acknowledge. 

That newfound knowledge was that I not only enjoy but need time away and I need that time alone. 

 Really alone!

Not just for a few hours or a day but days with only myself and my thoughts.

For three and a half days I saw only one other person on a hiking trail the last day . I nodded and said hello as we passed. 

I was surprised how crackly my voice had become having not used it for 3 days.

From sunrise till way after dark while sitting by the fire, my only companion was my thoughts. 

Many people are afraid to be alone with their thoughts, time allows things to float to the top that are otherwise suppressed by the hustle and bustle of life or by our own choosing.

I have gone back every year since. 

Each year the reset goes a little deeper and the man that returns to his life is hopefully, just a little better than he was before.

It has become my time to clear the mind and refresh the soul from all the challenges that life sets before me each year. 

Unfortunately, this year for reasons I care not share , I chose not to make the trip. 

When I made the decision not to go, I knew it was the right one and felt confident with my decision.

Although I still agree that this year just couldn’t happen, as summer fades there is a sadness and a tug in my heart that makes it clear.

 I will be there next year. 

I not only want to go,

 I need to go!

These pictures are from my first solo trip. 

A place my heart will always long to get back to.

Next year!