The mere thought of it can send some people into a panic!
Not for what it brings but for what comes after its short visit.
Although many of us dread the coming of fall.
It’s not fall’s fault at all, no we always celebrate and embrace fall in all of its glory once it gets here !
No we dread fall because it is with us such a short time.
Although a very enjoyable time, it soon gives way to the inevitable cold weather that is never far behind!
Leaves are only pretty for a week or so , cool air can turn to frost and snow at any time . That is the reality we dread not fall itself .
We all love fall!
Yes, fall is here in Maine!
Lisa and I are celebrating every minute we can because we know within a blink of an eye it will be gone . The world will be brown and cold and then eventually all will be white.
Spring will be a long way away !
Today we drove around to see the wonder that is fall in Maine . It’s not peak color yet but is pretty non the less.
It was also cloudy all day so the colors are somewhat muted but we had a great time! I am sure we will post more when we get a chance to enjoy them in the sunshine !
We all enjoy the bright colors that fall brings but today I took pictures of the other signs of fall as well.
Flowers that have given way to seed pods ensuring we have more beauty next year.
Grass that has all gone dry, yet stands tall waiting for snow to lay it down for a winters rest.
Although short , fall really is a beautiful time of year!