Friday, May 21, 2021

Lucky !

The lake has finally calmed down after a day of very windy weather .

 There is about an hour left before darkness overtakes me.

Up here when it gets dark , it really gets dark !

My paddle silently dips into the water as I slowly move the canoe along the shore . 

The small Brook Trout are rising to the surface eating insects and they are taking anything I throw at them .

Although fun, I am hoping for something a little bigger to cap off a great first day here . 

I am looking for the telltale sign of a bigger fish among the endless rings. 

The ring left when a fish of size breaks the water feeding on a bug . 

Normally a bigger splash and bigger ring means a bigger fish.

As I round the bend on the shoreline I can see a large Boulder in the water . 

I silently make my way towards the Boulder .

 I fish up to and around the Boulder ...... nothing . 

As I start paddling on down the bank I hear a splash behind me that I know was a bigger fish . 

I kick the back of the canoe out with the paddle and make a cast in the direction of the ring . 

Within seconds my line is tight and a large salmon breaks the water ! 

After a brief battle that lasted only a couple minutes, I land the salmon in a trout net made for much smaller fish .

My personal best salmon!

My heart is racing at the size and the beauty of this fish! 

I didn’t take time to measure it as I wanted to get it back in the water as healthy as possible but I know it’s the biggest one I have ever caught . 

The fish is tired after the battle so I take a moment to revive it before it bolts away. 

I grab the paddle and again start making my way down the shoreline .

I would love to weave a tale of skill and stealth that caught that fish .
A tale that speaks to time stalking the fish and working hard to catch him but that truly would be a fish tale . 

Truth is I got lucky!

I heard the splash , I chose to cast back at it and the fish bite!

More luck than skill but that’s ok .

 I’ll take luck anytime ! 

The peeper frogs have started to sing their nightly song and the birds are already resting up for tomorrow. 

I have about 30 minutes and it will be dark .

There wasn’t another bite to be had that night and frankly I am ok with that .

With a new personal best salmon on
 the books and a quick video to show proof I am content with the evening . 

I turn the canoe around and head for camp .

It’s time for a fire !

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