Thursday, August 12, 2021


 It’s no secret that none of us are getting out of this life alive.

 No, at some point in the future we are all going to take our last breath and leave the rest behind.

When we are gone, all we will leave for those remaining are memories. 

Memories of who we were, what we accomplished in this life and what was important to us as we used up our time on this rock. 

Some of us will be remembered fondly, others not so much.   

It always seems when we talk about someone who has passed on, we always seem to generalize.

“Boy that Tom, he was a character”

“Remember Al, he was always joking around “

“Old Bob, what a grouch he was “

“Remember Sally was so crafty, she could make just about anything for her house”

I think you get the point. When someone we know passes on, we remember them for the character trait or traits that defined their life. 

 As I said before some good and some not so good.

I guess the older one gets the more they think about stuff like that. 

What will I be remembered for? What will people say about me after I’m gone?

Today is Lisa’s Birthday and as I thought about what I might write in wishing her a happy Birthday I wanted to do something a bit different. 

Over the years I have created all types of Birthday wishes and stories celebrating her day.

I started thinking about who she was, what made her tick and what was important to her.  

I have known her for over 40 years. That’s a long time to know someone so I guess it qualifies me to be able to judge her life and put labels on her accomplishments.

Although I hate the thought of it, and it takes my breath away to even write it, I know some day Lisa will pass on.  

Selfishly I hope I pass first so I don’t have to try to exist without her, but either way, someday She will take her last breath as we all will. 

When she is gone what will people say about her? What was important to her? What did she spend a lifetime working on? 

I think I know.

“Lisa sure loved her family; it was the most important thing to her”

“Lisa was talented with those crafts and painting that’s for sure”

“Lisa sure was a great friend”

There are so many things that can be said about how Lisa has lived her life and how she has treated the world and everyone in it.  

There is one word though, one word that is at the core of everything Lisa does. 

One word that describes the way she has approached every day of her life.

One word that describes how she has treated everyone she meets and interacts with.

That word is………. 


Lisa is one of the most kind and caring people I know. She treats everyone with kindness and compassion even when they don’t deserve it.  ESPECIALLY when they don’t deserve it!! 

She has no enemies although many have pushed her, she refuses to let anything but kindness rule her life.

She is truly a special person in a world racked by emotions, division, and strife.

She has spent a lifetime perfecting the art of being a kind and caring person and she has mastered it!

I know some of you may think it’s a little strange to be talking about your wife as though she had passed away when she hasn’t yet, and I guess you would be right.

 I can’t explain the thoughts that seed themselves in this brain of mine, all I can do is write about them when they beg to be let out.

Here is how I look at it. 

How special of a person does it take to build your legacy early? To lock down the things people will say about you for generation to come before you are even gone! 

How special to have cemented that legacy long before the dash on your headstone has a second date. 

Yes, it does take a special person to be so well known for one simple trait.  

Lisa is that special person!

She is above all else……


Happy Birthday my love!

May your kindness shine on for many more years to come!

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