Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Look up !


As the sun finally releases its grip on the day it fades with a defiance that provides one final show. A display that serves as a reminder of what was provided and a promise that it will return tomorrow to start anew.

As one part of the day flows into the other, the competing forces exchange greetings as they pass on the responsibilities to the next shift.

The birds sing one last song celebrating the ending of the day as they turn over the baton to the peeper frogs who are eagerly greeting the night with a chorus of excitement.

The  Mosquitos and blackflies have settled in for the night. The constant hum and buzz of the insects that inhabit the daylight, give way to the crickets that seem to live in every bush and log on the forest floor. 

The constant chirping  of the crickets confirms that night is here, and that they will rule the silence as they see fit.

The final glow of daylight gives way to the deep darkness that overtakes me. A level of darkness that can only be achieved far away from any city or streetlight . 

A level of darkness that many have never experienced but all should, at least once. 

It took many hours to get here , the last paved road is 25 miles away, the last town is almost 50 miles away and home is over 140 miles away.  I have no idea where the closest human is, and frankly I don’t want to know. 

 The darkness has erased the world I have been living in for the past 16 hours and replaced it with a masterpiece that demands attention.

My world went from a reality surrounded by all things I hold close in nature, to a world wrapped in darkness, perpetuating a lie that the world has somehow become a much smaller place. 

Although sight has been lost, it has been replaced with the sounds of the night.  

 A simple shift of the eyes skyward and the purpose of the darkness is revealed.

You see night belongs to the heavens. 

One could argue the only purpose behind the darkness is to allow us to see the wonder that lies above.

 A spectacle that remains hidden during the light of day, is only revealed within the darkness.  

The deeper the darkness the more magnificent the reveal! 

Simply breathtaking!

 Millions of small dots covering the night sky create a patchwork of shapes that one can only begin to explore.

 The realization that each dot, each flicker of light, is millions, if not billions of miles away is a hard thing to grasp. 

They hang there every night, each in its place, as though their only mission is to be seen by us. 

To be appreciated .

Maybe their purpose is to provide us with a sense of wonder as we glance skyward?

How small I feel as I gaze at what stretches out before me. 

The night sky reflecting off the still water of the pond in front of me, makes the show even more amazing.

Perhaps that is the purpose, after all.

 Perhaps the night is merely there to help us see!

 Maybe it’s meant in some small way, to humble us as we close out another day.  

Our vision, driven upward by the darkness,  ensures we must focus on things much greater than ourselves.  

In the darkness we have no choice but to look up for light and in doing so we realize just how small we truly are.   

Maybe, just maybe, we are meant to look up each night so that we may never lose sight of what lies within.

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